PIC No. 52:
• Title: The Ins-N-Outs of In-N-Out Burger: The Inside Story of California's First Drive-Through and How it Became a Beloved Cultural Icon
• Author: Lynsi Snyder
• Publisher: Thomas Nelson (Oct. 17, 2023, 256 pages)
• Management Bucket #18 of 20: The Systems Bucket
Welcome to Issue No. 52 of PAILS IN COMPARISON, the value-added sidekick of John Pearson’s Buckets Blog. This blog features my “PICs”—shorter reviews of helpful books—with comparisons to other books in my 20 management buckets (core competencies) filing system.
This Book Is So Good (and So Important), I’m Writing 2 Reviews!
Warning! You may become profoundly hungry while reading this Wall Street Journal bestselling book!
I can’t stop talking about this fascinating book by Lynsi Synder, the president, owner, and granddaughter of the founder of In-N-Out Burger. It’s no contest. In-N-Out Burger is my favorite drive-thru experience. It’s not just the food, it’s the entire experience—and especially the amazing team members. And good news…we now have our “own” In-N-Out Burger in our hometown of San Clemente, Calif.
But now, after reading this book, I’m even more intrigued and fascinated by the culture and the management systems that make In-N-Out Burger such an icon. With 391 stores in 279 cities (across seven states), this 75-year-old company is still privately owned and continues to innovate in remarkable ways.
How remarkable is this book? In addition to this short review, watch for my second review at John Pearson’s Buckets Blog—the book is so helpful, it mandates two reviews! Leaders and managers, especially, will find dozens of practical management nuggets, a short course in core values, plus why-didn’t-I-think-of-that innovations, all packaged around a stunning focus on the customer. Peter Drucker (1909-2005) would be ecstatic!
I’m saving the really good stuff for my second review, but for now—here are a few teasers:
The Golden Rule:
• "Rule Number One: The customer is always right.
• Rule Number Two: If by chance the customer is wrong, refer back to rule number one."
The Four Nevers:
1. “Never give excuses.
2. Never argue with the Customer.
3. Never put the Customer on the defensive.
4. Never make a big deal of a complaint.”
The author’s uncle, Rich Snyder, who served as president for many years, would add, “After all…the particulars of a disagreement don’t matter.” The author notes, “We still use Rich’s Four Nevers as part of our training. In ultimate terms, our customers sign our paychecks. The Four Nevers ensure that our customers experience the consistent respect they deserve. We want them to know they’re our biggest asset. In fact, printed under the signature line on every check we issue, it says, ‘This check was made possible by the customer.’”
Did I mention that this book references all 20 of my management buckets/core competences? It’s fantastic! Watch for my second review in Your Weekly Staff Meeting eNews with 20 insights that align with all 20 buckets.
PAILS IN COMPARISON: Reading this book reminded me, especially, of more must-read books in the Systems Bucket, plus the 19 other buckets/core competencies.
[ ] Becoming Trader Joe: How I Did Business My Way and Still Beat the Big Guys, by Joe Coulombe with Patty Civalleri (read my review)
[ ] Made From Scratch: The Legendary Success Story of Texas Roadhouse, by Kent Taylor (read my review)
[ ] Know What Matters: Lessons from a Lifetime of Transformations, by Ron Shaich, founder and former CEO of Panera Bread (read my review)
[ ] Scaling Up: How a Few Companies Make It…and Why the Rest Don’t – Mastering the Rockefeller Habits 2.0, by Verne Harnish (read my review)
To order from Amazon, click on the title for The Ins-N-Outs of In-N-Out Burger: The Inside Story of California's First Drive-Through and How it Became a Beloved Cultural Icon, by Lynsi Snyder. Listen on Libro (6 hours, 52 minutes). And thanks to the publisher, Thomas Nelson, for sending me a review copy. For more book reviews, visit John Pearson’s Buckets Blog and subscribe to Your Weekly Staff Meeting.
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