Issue No. 577 of Your Weekly Staff Meeting suggests that the occasional journey into a delightful children’s book may reward you with poignant insights and a fresh look into the face of Jesus. And this reminder: click here to download free resources from the 20 management buckets (core competencies), click here for over 575 book reviews, and click here for my review of At the Heart of Management: Process, Tools and the Ubiquitous Exponential Law.
Finish this drawing of the face of Jesus, add color, and read why the occasional journey into a delightful children’s book may reward you with poignant insights.
Honest! A Leadership Guru Writes Children’s Books!
One of my favorites professors at Seattle Pacific University, Talmage Wilson (1926-2006), once shared a humorous, but poignant story in class. While serving as a missionary in what is now South Sudan (with his wife, Doris, a physician), he was asked to plan an inspiring session for the mission’s annual retreat. So he prayed and prepared.
At the appointed hour, each person received crayons and a single sheet of notebook paper featuring the outline of Jesus’ face. The assignment to these faithful missionaries who had endured their fair share of inspiring sermons: “Please color your page and reflect on the face and person of Jesus.” That was it. No sermon. No expository preaching. Just you, the crayons, and Jesus.
Prof. Wilson told our class, with his trademark mischievous grin, that not every missionary engaged deeply in the assignment! Yet, for those who set their expectations and egos aside, he noted, that session was a memory-maker for many.
Jesus said, “I’m telling you, once and for all, that unless you return to square one and start over like children, you’re not even going to get a look at the kingdom, let alone get in. Whoever becomes simple and elemental again, like this child, will rank high in God’s kingdom. What’s more, when you receive the childlike on my account, it’s the same as receiving me.” (See Matthew 18, The Message)
I was reminded of this scripture when I read (wait for it…), a new children’s book:
Oak Street Treehouse:
The Day They Had a Party
by Dick Daniels and Mollie Bozarth (Illustrator)
Amazingly, this is the third book in the series. Beautifully illustrated by Mollie Bozarth, they are written by one of my favorite leadership gurus, Dick Daniels. (You read that right. Dick Daniels also writes children’s books!)
Last week, during my Uber Grandpa ride for our 16-year-old granddaughter, I told Annika about the Oak Street Treehouse books, and mentioned that Daniels also writes leadership and management books, including Leadership Briefs (my 2015 book-of-the-year), Leadership Core (my 2021 book-of-the-year), and Hardwiring New Leadership Habits (2023).
ME: “So, Annika, what do you think Dick Daniels writes about in this new children’s book?”
ANNIKA: “How to lead and manage children?!”
ME: “LOL!”
I won’t post a spoiler alert here because I hope you’ll order and read Book #3 in the trilogy—a poignant story about the friendly grandpa who lives in the Oak Street neighborhood. (Hint: It involves messaging God—and, yes, God does message them back.) The seven neighborhood kids plan a party and along the way, there’s a sweet discussion about heaven.
If you have children, grandchildren, or young neighbors, nieces or nephews (or look forward to having children or grandchildren), then you'll especially love these wonderful stories featuring warm conversations about God. And the books make great gifts!
• God Made Everything: The Day They Messaged God
• God Loves Everybody: The Day the New Kid Moved In
• God Is the Host of Heaven: They Day They Had a Party
Visit the Oak Street Treehouse website for coloring sheets and more!
No children or grandchildren—but you’re on the lineup to speak or lead an inspiring session for your church, Bible study, or your team? Take a page from Prof. Talmage Wilson! Or…visit The Oak Street Treehouse website here and download some coloring sheets!
John 1:14 (The Message) reads, “The Word became flesh and blood, and moved into the neighborhood.” This beautiful children’s book reminded me that God’s story is often best told with simple terms: Jesus moved into the neighborhood. I love these books!
To order from Amazon, click on the title for Oak Street Treehouse: The Day They Had a Party, by Dick Daniels and Mollie Bozarth (Illustrator). And thanks to the author for sending me a review copy.
• Oak Street Treehouse: The Day The New Kid Moved In (2021) – Order from Amazon
• Oak Street Treehouse: The Day They Messaged God (2019) – Order from Amazon
1) In 2018, when our triplet grandkids were 15, we had a fun discussion about the children’s storybook, The Book of Mistakes, by Corinna Luyken. (Read my review and their mistakes!) What might be the benefits of putting aside the latest “management by bestseller” gimmick and slowing down to drink in the simple truths of a book for children?
2) I received the book, Cathy and Carl Captured, by Dorothy Johnston, from my third grade Sunday School teacher in Seattle. The Lord used this book during my impressionable years. The book tells the story about the Oregon Trail missionaries, Narcissa and Marcus Whitman (also a physician), to nudge me about serving in Christian ministry. I treasure this first edition, published by Scripture Press in 1954, and signed by the author. It reminds me that a well-chosen gift of encouragement can have a powerful influence on both children and adults. Name a book that you still treasure.
For your team meeting this week, inspire a team member to lead your “10 Minutes for Lifelong Learning” session by spotlighting Book #47 in Mastering 100 Must-Read Books.
A Business Graphic Novel
by Eliyahu M. Goldratt, Dwight Jon Zimmerman (Editor), and Dean Motter (Illustrator)
Books #46 through #50 spotlight five memorable books I’ve labeled “Five Business Classics.” Back in 2020 (when we were all in our bunkers), Constantino (Connie) Salios emailed me and asked if I had ever reviewed The Goal, by Eli Goldratt. Reviewed it? I’d never even heard about it. (Yikes.)
Connie recommended this bestselling business book—and I immediately ordered it. He said it “reads somewhat like a Lencioni novel and is relevant for every organization and leader.” But…full confession. I cheated and ordered the business graphic novel of The Goal. Big print and pictures. Just 130 pages.
• Read my review.
• Order from Amazon: The Goal
• Listen on Libro: The Goal (original book: 11 hours, 44 minutes)
• Download the 100 Must-Read Books list (from John and Jason Pearson).
Verne Harnish, author of my 2018 book-of-the year, Scaling Up: How a Few Companies Make It…and Why the Rest Don’t (Mastering the Rockefeller Habits 2.0), gushes: “The Goal is the #1 business book of all time and the graphic adaptation makes this timeless classic and its powerful ideas even more accessible. If you only read one business book, it should be this one.”
Earlier this year, I listened to a hymn written by Count Zinzendorf—and I realized I knew absolutely nothing about this spiritual giant and prolific hymnwriter. It was high time to widen my reading! I googled the Count, watched some YouTube videos, and scanned the books on Amazon. I landed on this one, published in 2013. Read my review of Count Zinzendorf and the Spirit of the Moravians, by Paul Wemmer. And for more book reviews, visit the Pails in Comparison Blog.
The 4 Big Mistakes Board Seminars
Sept. 29: San Diego
Oct. 12: Irvine, CA
The Barnabas Groups in San Diego and Orange County are hosting seminars for nonprofit CEOs and board members. On Oct. 12, John Pearson and Mike Pate will present “The 4 Big Mistakes to Avoid With Your Nonprofit Board: How Leaders Enrich Their Ministry Results Through God-Honoring Governance.” Contact TBG/OC for more info about the Oct. 12 seminar. John is also presenting the seminar on Sept. 29 in San Diego for TBG/San Diego. Can’t attend? Order the 107-page workbook from Amazon.
PEARPOD | TELLING YOUR STORY. Every PowerPoint doesn't need to be jam-packed with content and every book doesn't need to rival War and Peace. Sometimes, graphic versions of books communicate more powerfully to "readers," while audio and YouTube videos will capture the "listeners" in your customer base. Need ideas? Contact Jason Pearson at Pearpod (Design, Digital, Marketing, Social).
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