Issue No. 63 of Your Weekly Staff Meeting is an abbreviated edition this Thanksgiving week about golf and life. Yogi Berra said, “Ninety percent of the putts that are short, don’t go in.” I found that true in my life last week.
Golf Advice: Set Your Own Par
I spent most of last week conducting important research for this week’s book. Between drives, pitches and putts, my good friend, Jim Gwinn, told me he had just read a unique golf book by Ken Blanchard and Wally Armstrong.
Still researching, I was on the links two days later with three golfers I had just met—and on the seventh par three hole, I mentioned the “set your own par” concept from the book. They smiled in unison and pointed to Bob Jewell, the marketing brains behind this unique book and golf outreach ministry. What a small world!
Bob gave me a copy of the book—so it was pretty clear to me that the Lord wanted me to share it with you this week. Order multiple copies from the website below or click on the title here to order it from Amazon: The Mulligan—Everyone Needs a Second Chance in Golf and in Life, by Wally Armstrong and Ken Blanchard.
In classic Blanchard style, this 145-page little novel shares the story of a Type-A executive who is mentored by an Old Pro—and learns golf and life lessons, including the Ultimate Mulligan, God’s second chance plan.
Visit the Old Pro Resources website for more information on the book, quantity discounts for using the book as an outreach to your golfer friends, and options for hosting a golf pro at your next golf outreach event or even your own foursome.
As I said, I spent all last week researching this book, so this week’s issue is short and sweet. Have a blessed Thanksgiving!
P.S. If you’re a golfer, you’ll appreciate the “set your own par” chapter. It has already changed the way I think about my golf game.