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John Pearson finally retired as president of John Pearson Associates, a board governance and management consulting firm in San Clemente, Calif.


JOHN PEARSON…finally retired as president of John Pearson Associates, Inc., a board governance and management consulting firm based in San Clemente, California. Along with his son, Jason, John released his latest book in September 2022, "Mastering 100 Must-Read Books: Brief Book Reviews on Leadership, Management, Governance, and Life."

In 2021, Jason and John published "Mastering Mistake Making: My 25 Memorable Mistakes—and What I Learned (10 Minutes for Lifelong Learning Workbook)." Visit:

John served 11 years as the president/CEO of Christian Management Association (now Christian Leadership Alliance) and began consulting full-time in 2006. He retired from airplane middle seats and most consulting opportunities in January 2018.

John has co-authored four governance books with Dan Busby, including: "Lessons From the Nonprofit Boardroom," "More Lessons From the Nonprofit Boardroom," "Lessons From the Church Boardroom," and "ECFA Tools and Templates for Effective Board Governance." Visit Amazon:

He is the editor and publisher of the weekly eNewsletter, Your Weekly Staff Meeting. John is also the author of the "MASTERING THE MANAGEMENT BUCKETS: 20 Critical Competencies for Leading Your Business or Nonprofit," and "Mastering the Management Buckets Workbook," (with Jason Pearson).

The co-author of "Marketing Your Ministry: 10 Critical Principles" with Robert D. Hisrich, Ph.D., John also served as the president of Willow Creek Association, South Barrington, Illinois (a network of 12,000 churches worldwide); was on the management team at Willow Creek Community Church; and was the executive director of Christian Camp and Conference Association, now based in Colorado Springs, Colorado, and known for many years as Christian Camping International/USA.

He’s a graduate of Seattle Pacific University and Trinity Evangelical Divinity School and also served five years as the director of Christian education/camp director with the Midwest district (70 churches) of the Baptist General Conference, Chicago, Illinois (now called Converge Worldwide), and six years as the executive director of Lake Sammamish Bible Camp (SAMBICA), Bellevue, Washington.

John has served more than 30 years as a nonprofit CEO and 25 of those years leading three associations. John has been the publisher of two magazines, written more than 1,000 issues of various newsletters on management and ministry and more than 100 magazine columns on leadership and management ministry trends, including the "Management Rules of Thumb" series in the "Christian Management Report."

He has led more than 50 regional, national and international conferences, and facilitated dozens of day-long CEO Dialogue roundtables. John served six years on the board of the Evangelical Council for Financial Accountability (ECFA), was chairman of the presidential search committee (to replace a CEO/founder) as a board member for Interdev, and served as a board member at Bakke Graduate University.

Pearson also served six years as the board chair of Christian Community Credit Union. In 2006, Christian Management Association honored him as the first recipient of the TED ENGSTROM AWARD, named after Dr. Ted Engstrom, the president emeritus of World Vision.

John and his wife, Joanne, have been married for 54 years and they have had the privilege of traveling and/or teaching leadership, management and board governance in more than 50 countries. In his other life, John once owned a 100th anniversary Harley-Davidson motorcycle and also played an FBI agent (actually…just one scene) in the movie, The Genius Club (

The Pearsons are also blessed to live just one mile from family. Their son, Jason, leads PEARPOD ( where he and Melinda are the happy, but tired, parents of five teenagers.